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20 March 2024

Public consultation on the second set of CCS+ methodologies closes April 15, 2024

The methodology framework provides a set of modules for capture, transport and storage segments of a CCS project that can be combined, depending on the specific design of the CCS project or technologies implemented.
Evan Little

Public consultation for the second batch of carbon accounting methodologies developed by the CCS+ Initiative under Verra’s Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) remain open for comments until April 15th.

These modules and tools expand the types of eligible carbon capture activities, differentiate carbon dioxide removals from emission reductions in projects with both types of mitigation impacts, and allow emissions accounting in collaborative CCS hubs where VCS projects include only a portion of the captured carbon.

The following modules and tools are open for stakeholder feedback:

  • Module for CO2 Capture from Bioenergy Combustion: This module is for projects capturing CO2 from bioenergy facilities that produce heat and power.
  • Module for CO2 Storage in Saline Aquifers and Depleted Hydrocarbon Reservoirs: This module is for projects that store CO2 in saline aquifers or depleted oil and gas fields.
  • Tool for Accounting Non-VCS CO2 in CCS Projects: This tool supports the development of shared transport infrastructure, capture facilities, or storage reservoirs with CO2 streams that are not registered for VCS crediting.
  • Tool for Differentiating Reductions and Removals in CCS Projects: This tool enables the distinction of Verified Carbon Units based on emission reductions and those based on carbon dioxide removals.

An essential element highlighted in the newly introduced modules is the incorporation of Bioenergy-CCS (BECCS), blending aspects of carbon capture and carbon removal. Ensuring a dependable accounting framework for this specific pathway is essential as energy-from-waste initiatives receive more investment and adoption in the markets and thought is given to how these types of projects can be integrated into both voluntary and compliance market frameworks.

Mangrove Systems is following the developments of these frameworks closely to ensure our system can support all of the methodologies outlined in the modules to keep our customers and partners up-to-date on potential opportunities or implications to their projects.

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